The Stage is Alive, with the Sound of Music!


The Saint Anthony’s High School Theatre Company has recently performed the family favorite, The Sound of Music, in an innovative way. This one night only concert event, which is new to our Theatre Company, featured a cast of talented musicians who brought excerpts from the Sound of Music to life. From the wonderful Pit Orchestra to the amazing vocalists, this production showcased the beauty, music, and dialogue from the Sound of Music in its’ simplest form with the talent of the students performing the pieces.

Students in the production have been in rehearsal learning the music, and discovering new techniques required for putting on a show “in concert” style. In the photos you can see Captain Von Trapp, Sophomore Massimo Siracusano, and Fraulein Maria, Junior Fiona Wheeler, in rehearsal with their “Children” sharing in the joy of the classical songs being brought to our stage, here at St. Anthony’s.

Director, Mr. Wilson, was so excited to have put on a concert that utilized the immense talent of our Theatre Company. Overall, the Sound of Music was a success, as many students and teachers came to support the new artistic endeavor. Hopefully this kind of production will become a regular event! From the Cast of Saint Anthony’s High School’s Theatre Company, ”Thank you to administration, faculty, and students for your support!” Stay tuned for this spring’s production of the Disney fan favorite, “Beauty and the Beast!”

About The Author:

Jacqueline Balestrieri
Staff Writer